Author Archives: Misty

2014 Colombia

This summer, we visited Colombia.   We started in the coastal lowlands on our way to the small town of Minca.  Minca is in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Maria.   From Minca, we headed up the mountain to the Cloud Forest at El Dorado Lodge.   The lodge is fantastic and the views from the back porch are amazing – the birds are pretty spectacular as well.  We ended our trip on the coast visiting the Guajira Peninsula.   By the end of the trip, we had seen over 100 new species of birds and had a wonderful time.


Posted in Shoots, Trips

High Island 2014

High Island was the place where I was first bitten by the ‘birding bug’.   It was actually a Hooded Warbler that caught me.   It was 1992 and I was in college and was down visiting my parents.   I was sitting on the edge of the boardwalk in ‘the Cathedral’ at Boy Scout Woods.    That year, there was a true ‘fall out’, and birds were literally everywhere.   While I was sitting there (a little bored), a small canary yellow bird with a black executioner hood was hopping inches from my feet.   Oh, those colors!   Wow!  I went to find my mom to ask “what was that little bird?” and I was hooked.   That year, I remember Blue-Winged, Hooded, Kentucky, and Nashville Warblers on every branch.   Scarlet and Summer Tanagers and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks rounded out the spectrum of colors.   It was a great introduction to birding.


Posted in Trips